First Grade

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Grade Level Expectations 

Reading/Language Arts

  • Uses prior knowledge, illustrations and text to predict meaning.
  • Recognizes high-frequency sight words in various contexts.
  • Uses letters and sounds together to decode words.
  • Uses a variety of strategies to construct meaning.
  • Retells a story in sequence.
  • Identifies the main idea and supporting details of a story.
  • Uses prior knowledge and personal experiences to construct meaning and to respond to a text.
  • Reads for information to perform a task.
  • Recognizes and identifies story elements.
  • Develops a purpose and plan for writing that includes a main idea.
  • Composes simple sentences and stories.
  • Writes independently on a variety of topics.
  • Writes observations about familiar topics or experiences.
  • Writes simple informational text.
  • Applies simple capitalization skills Uses end punctuation and spacing between words.
  • Uses legible handwriting.
  • Gives personal information (name, age, address, telephone number).
  • Uses conventional patterns of language.
  • Uses pictures to enhance written text.
  • Retells specific details of information heard.
  • Asks questions to find answers.
  • Speaks clearly in complete sentences.
  • Reads aloud with fluency and expression from developmentally appropriate material.


  • Creates models of addition and subtraction situations.
  • Identifies, describes and applies addition and subtraction as inverse operations.
  • Creates and uses strategies and proper-ties to add whole numbers.
  • Uses counting strategies, number pat-terns, and models to solve basic addition and subtraction problems.
  • Compares and orders whole numbers at least to 100.
  • Represents two-digit numbers by tens and ones.
  • Orders and compares numbers and rep-resent numbers on a number line.
  • Creates two-dimensional and three-dimensional geometric shapes.
  • Uses appropriate vocabulary to classify, compare and sort shapes according to attributes.
  • Identifies, describes, and extends repeating and growing patterns.
  • Measures objects by using non-standard units such as cubes or rods.
  • Compares and orders objects according to length, weight, and capacity.
  • Solves two-digit addition and subtraction problems by acting them out, using manipulatives and drawing diagrams


  • Observes that there are more stars in the sky that anyone can count, and they are not scattered evenly.
  • Demonstrates that Earth’s gravity pulls any object on or near Earth toward it.
  • Investigates how magnifiers make things appear bigger.
  • Identifies the beneficial and harmful proper-ties of the Sun.
  • Recognizes that Earth materials (water, air, and soil) provide many of the resources that living things use.
  • Recognizes that some things in the world around us happen fast and some happen slowly.
  • Sorts objects by observable properties, such as size, shape, color, temperature, weight, texture, and whether the objects sink or float.
  • Demonstrates and describes that objects move in many ways, such as zigzag, straight line, fast and slow.
  • Demonstrates that the way to change the motion of an object is by applying a push or pull.
  • Makes observations of living things and their environment using the five senses.
  • Identifies that the major parts of plants include, stem, roots, leaves, and flowers.
  • Differentiates between living and nonliving things..
  • Makes observations that plants and animals closely resemble their parents.
  • Recognizes that all plants and animals need the basic necessities of air, water, food and space.
  • Uses a variety of tools to obtain information.
  • Keeps records of information through observation, recording and sharing ideas.

Social Studies

  • Understands how to use the media center/other sources to find answers to questions about a historical topic.
  • Understands history tells the story of people and events of other times and places.
  • Distinguishes between historical fact and fiction using various materials.
  • Creates a timeline based on the student’s life or school events, using primary sources.
  • Uses physical and political/cultural maps to locate places in Florida.
  • Identifies key elements (compass rose, cardinal directions, title and key/legend with symbols) of maps and globes.
  • Recognizes that money is a method of exchanging goods and services.
  • Distinguishes between examples of goods and services.
  • Explains the purpose of rules and laws in the school and community.
  • Gives examples of people who have the power and authority to make and en-force rules and laws in the school and community.
  • Explains rights and responsibilities of students; describes the characteristics of responsible citizenship in the school and community.
  • Explains how decisions can be made or how conflicts might be resolved in fair and just ways.
  • Develops an understanding of a primary source.
  • Identifies that people need to make choices because of scarce resources.